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Vestibular and Oculomotor Assessment and Treatment for Concussion - Full Day Workshops

Active, targeted management of concussion is now considered best practice for clinicians. Are you keen to learn how the balance and visual systems can be affected following a concussion? Are you treating concussed clients and feel a little unsure of how to go about assessing these issues, or how to progress their exercises?

  1. Queenstown - Sunday March 17th – sold out
  2. North Shore, Auckland – Sunday April 14th
  3. Napier – Sunday April 28th
  4. Wellington – details coming soon
  5. Tauranga – details coming soon

In this full-day workshop, Katherine Forch will take you through the how’s and why’s; give you a framework for structuring a vestibular and oculomotor assessment for a concussed client, and how to plan and progress a treatment programme.

The relevant anatomy and pathophysiology will be discussed, but the emphasis for the day will be lots of practical work to ensure you are confident in your objective measures and exercise prescription skills. Numbers are limited to ensure you have plenty of time for questions and problem shooting.

Katherine Forch is the head vestibular therapist at the Axis Sports Medicine -Sports Related Concussion Clinic. She is known for her relatable, collaborative, teaching style and is passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience. These workshops have been popular already, and will fill quickly.

To request a registration form for one of the workshops please email