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You are what you drink

Got that sports drink loaded and energy gels ready to go? There is some recent evidence to suggest that many of us are not getting the best out of the exercise we do. Particularly from a general health perspective. A recent review of the body’s energy pathways supports the growing idea that exercising while in a relatively carbohydrate poor state (e.g. when you're hungry first thing in the morning) drives a number of cellular process that improve energy production and efficiency, and could deliver greater health benefits. This includes a reduced risk for metabolic disorders (eg Diabetes) and certain cancers. Some of this action is through a cell protein known as P53, but also through up-regulating fatty transport proteins allowing greater use of fat as an energy source.

What this means for you is that those sports drinks/bar/gels that you might use while exercising could be reducing the overall health benefits to you. Certainly from a performance perspective these products are convenient and do improve specific sporting performances, but I now recommend most of my patients, and their children, to get back to using water as a hydration fluid, and replenishing energy stores with good food AFTER exercise. And remember – if your Grandma wouldn’t recognise it as food it probably isn’t!